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o Dr Narana Coissoró é também um comensal assíduo
A rua S João da Mata é a dos eléctricos que sobe do largo da Igreja de Santos para a Lapa
The Zuari River is the largest river in the state of Goa, India. The Zuari River, with its cerulean waters, has a total length of 34 kilometres. The Zuari originates at Hemad-Barshem in the Western Ghats. The Zuari is also referred to as the Aghanashani in the interior regions. It flows in the southern-western direction through the talukas of Tiswadi, Ponda, Mormugao, Salcete, Sanguem and Quepem.
The Zuari and Mandovi Rivers form the backbone of Goa's agricultural industry. The Cumbarjuem Canal, linking the two rivers has enabled ships navigate to the interior regions to the iron ore mines. The waters of the Mandovi and Zuari both flush out into the Arabian Sea at Cabo Aguada, a common point forming the Marmogoa harbour. The port city of Vasco da Gama lies on the mouth of the Zuari River.
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